Tips on updating your Will!

Planning for the future is as important as living in the present! Here are some essential tips from our expert team at Heringtons Solicitors on updating your will:

1️⃣  Regular Reviews: Life changes, and so should your will. Review it periodically, especially after major life events such as marriage, divorce, birth, or death.

2️⃣  Executor Update: Ensure your chosen executor is still willing and able to fulfil the role. If circumstances have changed, it might be time for a revision.

3️⃣  Guardianship Decisions: If you have minor children, confirm your designated guardians are still suitable and willing to take on this responsibility.

4️⃣  Asset Changes: Keep your will aligned with your current financial situation. Include new assets, and remove any that are no longer part of your estate.

5️⃣  Digital Assets: In our digital age, don't forget to account for online assets. Consider including instructions for access to digital accounts and assets.

6️⃣  Healthcare Directives: Review and update your healthcare directives to ensure they accurately reflect your wishes in case of medical decisions.

7️⃣  Tax Considerations: Stay informed about any changes in tax laws that may affect your estate plan. Consulting with a professional can help you optimise your plan.

8️⃣  Family Changes: In the event of marriages, divorces, or changes in relationships, update your will to reflect the current family structure.

Remember, your will is a living document that should evolve with your life. Our team is here to help you navigate these changes and ensure your wishes are always up-to-date. For personalised guidance, contact us 

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