Moving House?
Need a conveyancing quote?
We can help...You can find out more from the Residential Conveyancing page, but for a quote please complete the 'How can we help?' form above.
Thinking of making a Will?
We can help...People may think that Wills are just for the elderly, but when you are in a long-term relationship, have children or buy a property you should really think about making a Will. For more information visit the Wills and Probate page or complete the 'How can we help?' form above.
Problem with your Landlord or Tenant?
We can help...Visit our Dispute Resolution page for more details.
Have you got a Power of Attorney?
We can help...Visit our Powers of Attorney page for more information and to contact our experienced team.
Lisa Harrod
Lisa Harrod assists Accounts Executive, Mark Quinlan, dealing with trusts, investments, income tax etc.
Before joining the firm in 2024 Lisa had worked for 22-years as a Property Manager dealing with client accounts for an Estate Agents. This role included maintaining accurate records, dealing with oversea landlord tax, making payments to all clients and tradesmen and organising and instructing works required to all the rental properties she managed.
Lisa loves spending time with her family. At the weekend this can consist of her spending much of her time on the pitch sidelines watching her youngest daughter play football or observing her refereeing the match! Lisa also enjoys watching quiz shows and expanding her general knowledge.
For further information or to speak to one of our experts please call us on: